What book is that, you might ask?

That's right - she's hosting a War and Peace Read-A-Long.
I can't even tell you how many times I have thought: I should try to read War and Peace, and then given up before even starting.
Not this time. She has suggested that she is going to read it for about 15 minutes everyday, and for me, that just seems so DOABLE! I can do War and Peace for 15 minutes a day.
Go check out her read-a-long post here, and if you're brave, don't hesitate to join in. It will be more fun if a lot of us are doing it together.
If it takes me a whole year in the end - no problem. If it ends up taking me more than a whole year - no problem. I'm going to read War and Peace, and I'm not going to stress out about it.
And what's more exciting - I'm going to update you guys along the way! I know, I know -you must be VERY excited about this! :-)
I've got it downloaded (for free!) into my Kindle, and I'm hoping to start this weekend, so be expecting your first update soon!
For now, go check it out, and be sure to come back and let me know if you're going to read along!!
Hm...I just might do this but I currently have another 1200 page book to get through so maybe after that one I'll move on to War and Peace
Wow, this sounds like such a good idea. I guess fifteen minutes a day isn't very much. I might wait and see how you're finding it first though!
Hey there,
This is Sara coming from The Saturday Network! This sounds like a great idea! War and Peace isn't really my type of book, but I toughen up and try it out! Great blog :)
What a cool idea ! I don't think I'll do it, but I'm sending you huge ways of encourangment from le 18ème arrondissement ! :)
Thank you for participating in The Saturday Network!
And when I saw the pick, my jaw pretty much dropped. War and Peace?! Wow, this is going to be a loooong discussion. Good luck, and happy reading! :D
I read War and Peace this past fall and almost didn't actually start.
Despite the length, I found it to be a really engrossing book that I just didn't want to put down. Before I knew it, I was finished!
Enjoy. It's a really great book.
I admire you both. I'm still too intimidated to join you, but I admire you!
That does sound doable. I've got other reading comittments but I still might drag out my old copy and take a stab at it. Enjoy.
Awesome! I can't wait to read your updates.
Merlin's Beard! This is an exciting challenge. I'm looking forward to your updates. Personally, I've never felt any need to read this but I wish you lots of luck!
Good luck! I can't wait to hear how it's going - it's always been one of my ambitions, too! :)
Good luck with the read-along! I read this book when I was on bed-rest when pregnant with my first son. I had about five weeks with nothing to do other than lay in bed and figured I wasn't ever going to have a better opportunity to read it. I hope you like it!
You go brave girl! :)
Oh....I probably ought to do this. It's certainly got a "kind and gentle" schedule. I have the new translation, but am intimidated. But a couple of hours a week? I could do that. I think.
That is an epic undertaking. But you're eating the elephant one bite at a time. Most excellent.
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