My Review Policy for Authors and PublishersAre you an author, publisher, or publicist looking for someone to review a book? Or looking to give away a book? Please contact me at!
Are you an author doing a blog tour or just wanting a little face time in a book blog? I would love to host you! Contact me at!

I will accept any kind of book for review with the exception of non-paranormal romance and non-vegan cookbooks. (vegan cookbooks and paranormal romance are accepted!)(I have very eclectic book tastes and, I hope, a very eclectic audience of readers).

I am far pickier about the non-fiction books I accept for review than about the fiction books I accept for review.

I will accept ARCs or books that have already been released. I am also happy to feature the author in my blog alongside the review.

I will review e-books, but only when I am travelling, and only if I can put them on my kindle.
I prefer bound books!
I have a 5 star review policy. Books can receive half stars. I have also been known to give a book 1 star (though it is rare).

I will post honestly what I think about the book. However, even if I do not like it, I will always find something positive to say about it.

If I can find absolutely nothing positive to say about the book, then I will not review it unless the author or publisher asks me to explicitly. (Or unless I bought it myself)

I will always post the review by a given deadline. Books up to review are my top priority.
If you have any questions or are an author or publisher, don't hesitate to contact me for any reason:
1 comment:
I love you Aud :)
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