Author: Denis Austin

Who Should Read It? Anyone looking for awesome tips and motivation on how to lead a healthier lifestyle! Anyone looking for a great, easy, step-by-step exercise and eating program to help in becoming healthy or losing weight.
What I Have to Say: This is, BY FAR, the BEST exercise book I have ever read. I should premise by saying that I didn't read it because I need to lose weight. I'm supposedly actually underweight. My interest in this book came from the fact that I NEED to start exercising, and I was hoping for a book that would motivate me and give me some tips.
This book did so much more than that. The focus was so much more on healthy living and healthy eating than to help you to lose weight than on diets or over-exercising to lose weight. It gives you healthy, balanced (and, unfortunately, not vegan) meal plans and exercise plans every day for three straight weeks, making following the Daily Dozen plan as easy as possible.
Having the exact exercises to do there in front of me made things so easy. I didn't have to think about which ones to do and the order in which to do them and for how long to do them. Denise did that for me. And with her bubble personality shining through on every page, I find myself excited to get up and exercise in the mornings. I have been exercising EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past two weeks (this is BIG for me, you guys!)
More importantly than that, I can already see a change. My arm and leg muscles are both starting to show more definition; I can actually feel my abs for once. And I have energy to do all of the mini exercises throughout the day that she calls Fidget-Cisers. It's just plain awesome.
Denise's Daily Dozen is full of practical tips and easy, step-by-step insructions as to how to lead a healthy life. They're so easy, and she's so upbeat about giving them to you, that you can't help but want to follow! Her system is a way of life, and she has given you enough to have step-by-step instructions for every day of that new way of life for as long as it takes for you to no longer need them.
This book is golden (even if I haven't used the non-vegan friendly meal plans at all), and I'm planning on buying a Daily Dozen CD when I really feel like I need new exercises.
Summary (from GoodReads): From Denise Austin comes the perfect health book for anyone who wants to live better but just can't seem to find the time. Much more than just another excercise book, Denise's Daily Dozen covers a whole range of health and diet related concepts yet manages it all in a no-stress, time-conscious program of 12's. At it's core, this book contains the minimum daily requirements to keep the reader flexible, strong and trim. Organized simply into seven chapters, which equal the seven days of the week, it covers a full week in daily allotments. Each day will have it's own focus from Monday being "fat burning day" to Sunday's "recharge and rejuvenate."
Denise has created a total body program, including a 7-day balanced meal plan that includes healthy recipes, and a workout that encompasses 12 exercises done in 12 minutes each day. Everyone can take just 12 minutes, at whatever time of the day works for them, and turn it over to these simple and fun exercises. Cardio, toning, yoga and breathing exercises...they're all here but in a way the maximizes effect while minimizing time.
Beyond a dozen exercises for each day of the week this book will include many other of Denises dozens for each day.
Just fill out this form to win a copy of your very own!
Disclosure: Thanks to Anna from Hachette for sending me a copy of this book to give an honest review and for sending the copy to give away.
I'd love to give this a try! Thanks for the givewaway!
Thanks for the review. I would like this book. I need easy to do and step by step instructions. Glad to hear you have started. Always nice to hear how someone else likes it.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
Doreen Riopel
My review went up today and I really loved this book as I see you did too. I found her style to be practical. I am going to make that feta craisin salad she talks about in her book for dinner tomorrow.... I mean - YUM!!!
Great review. I've been looking for an exercise plan. I'd love to read this book and see what she has to say.
I desperately need to do something and this could be a lifesaver.
Tks for the giveaway
Thanks for the review and generous giveaway. This book sounds very motivating and I like that it seems to have extremely straightforward directions for exercises.
Great review! You really detailed the content of the book and that helps us to see if it's something that will work for us. Thanks!
Great review. I need all the help that I can get.
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