Author: Lisa Ruszcyk

Who Should Read it?People interested in a unique twist on fantasy! This is especially for people that enjoy more character based books, I'd say!
What I Have to Say: Sam the Night Person was an unexpected, exciting surprise. It was one of the most creative, unique stories that I had read in a very long time. The world of night people and day people and seoli and seloiu that Ruszcyk weaves is just bursting with newness and creativity.
Azzy (which, by the way, is the awesomest name ever) is an extremely interesting, well-balanced character. Same is a confused but lovable complement to Azzy's self-assuredness. The first half of the book is dedicated to developing their relationship, and I couldn't help but feel like I was there, watching excitedly as they learned to like each other, as they discovered all of the ways in which they are compatible.
I was so taken in by the relationship that, when a major plot twist happens in the beginning of the second half, I was shocked. I remained on edge ans Ruszcyk took us on a roller coaster ride of confusion and learning and love and revenge. It was so suspenseful at points that I literally felt it.
Sam the Night Person was a fantastically written wonderful story. The only weird thing about it was Ruszcyk's way of occasionally out of nowhere referring to people by their physical characteristics when she had just previously referred to them by their name. It was almost confusing at points. Also, because it's me, I didn't like that both Azzy and Sam were heavy smokers, but at least it didn't seem to contradict who they are, as I feel that it does in a lot of books.
Still, it was an awesome, suspenseful,, intense page-turner of a read!
Summary (from Amazon):
What is a night person? They thrive by moonlight, spreading lightening bolts and freezing the earth. They hide their powers from society.
Sam stays up all night, drinks coffee without pause, chain smokes cigarettes and secretly talks to the moon. Azzy knows it, but doesn-t know why or how.
Azzy has been having a series of obsessive daydreams about a young man named Sam. He seems to be a magician of sorts. All she knows is that she can-t eat, sleep, drive or work. All she can do is think of Sam. She is in love, and she must find him.
She follows a daydream to a Colorado lodge where she has seen Sam in her mind. To her astonishment, he appears there the very next day. He doesn-t believe her, but who would? Is she crazy?
Sam and Azzy have a connection. Where did it come from? And who is behind it all? Of course, there-s always a reason for everything. Azzy-s daydreams were no accident.
Will they be able to withstand the man behind the torment? After years being apart, they find themselves facing the most destructive man of water magic they have ever known. He threatens their love. Together in heart and apart by necessity, they must find a way to stop him.
Disclosure: This book was sent to me in e-book format by the author to give an honest review.
Thanks so much for reading and reviewing the book. I am so glad you enjoyed it!
Fab review :)
Great review! I'll definitely check out Lisa and her book!
Great review - I have never heard of this book before but it sounds good.
Nice review.
Hm I may not be a person who likes character driven books, but then again all books are different
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