Saturday, October 24, 2009

Read-A-Thon Update (3): Princess Bookie

Well, my reading is going along fantastically. I'm super enjoying Vampire Academy, and it's looking like I'll be finishing in another hour or two.

In the meantime, I thought I would send you guys over to Princess Bookie (you'll notice a little box to her in the sidebar).
She has some mega contests going on today to help distract us from our reading. You absolutely do NOT want to miss out!

One of the books that she is giving away is Captivate by Carrie Jones. Check out that particular contest here. She's asking us to tell her why we HAVE TO HAVE this book. I'm sure my reason is kind-of lame, but I HAVE TO HAVE this book because I find myself slightly obsessed with the cover. I can't stop looking at it and that one beautiful golden tear rolling down the cheek on the cover. I find it absolutely captivating. Don't get me wrong, the summary also looks great, but it is for the cover that I NEED this book. Can't stop staring! Unfortunately, staring at it is taking time away from my precious reading time.

So, check out the contests over at Princess Bookie. And back to reading I go.

HAPPY READING, everyone!

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My Contests

None for now!