1. I have the attention span of, well, a 5 year old with ADD.
2. I have NEVER IN MY LIFE stayed up for 24 straight hours. I think I tried once before and collapsed after 20 hours. I then proceeded to sleep for a good 12 hours.
3. I take Viet Vo Dao on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and I am already going to miss it this Wednesday.
4. I have trouble reading more than one book at a time. I don't want to start something that I would normally love and then get frustrated with it because I am supposed to be reading it nonstop.
I'm sure the reasons could go on, but I'll stop there.
All that said, I have finally given in and decided to just go for it. If I need to take a break to go to Viet Vo Dao, so much the better. Besides, it's an excuse to make my boyfriend cook for me.

I hope that people will come cheer me on as I think I will definitely need it.
In a way, I think I subconsciously knew all along that I was going to give in and sign up for it, as I have been sort-of hoarding books that would potentially work for it.
So here's my list of books that I'll possibly read (I of course won't read all of them, but they will all be on hand for my reading pleasure):
1. Evermore - Alyson Noel
2. Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead
3. Vampire Academy 2 Frostbite - Richelle Mead
4. Vampire Academy 3 Shadow Kiss - Richelle Mead
5. the Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
6. Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
7. City of Bones - Cassandra Clare
8. City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare
9. City of Glass - Cassandra Clare
10. Immortal - Gillian Shields
11. Along For the Ride - Sarah Dessen
12. Midnighters 1 the Secret Hour - Scott Westerfeld
13. Vampire Kisses - Ellen Schreiber
14. the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Mary Ann Shaffer
15. Pendragon, the Merchant of Death - D.J. McHale
I'm sure I won't read more than three or four, but it's good to have a ton around just in case.
What is everyone else reading?
Now, all I have left to do is pick out which songs to put on my ipod to have non-stop all day fantastic reading music! Is anyone else picking music ahead of time? If so, what will you be listening to.
Yay! I'm psyched about this!
Your doing it? You go girl! *high five* Major kudos!
Go go go ! :)
Awesome! I think it's a super cool idea, and I would probably do it if I could coax some other people to read with me like a party. Maybe I'll arrange something like that next time around: a read-a-thon slumber party (without the sleep part)!
I am totally impressed that you're doing this. I also think maybe just a little crazy ;)
I could never manage to stay awake for 24 hours. Wishing you lots of luck!
:o Ooh, I've always wanted to do it! But...my eyes get droopy and then I just fall asleep instantly. BUT GOODLUCK TO YOU! We'll cheer you on ;)
Ooh, un petit quelque chose awaits you here by the way...!
I had hoped to have The Hunger Games on my list, but it hasn't yet come in for me at the library. I read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society this past spring, and it's a great choice for a Read-a-thon as it's an pleasant and fast read. Enjoy!
oooh good luck! You can do it!
Have fun with this. I am afraid I can't do the 24 hour read. :( I don't think my family would leave me alone long enought to read for 24 hours straight. That and I probably would only get through one book. I an just a slow reader. I could read some of my quick reads I have here but... well... I don't think I would be able to. So, have fun and enjoy it. I hope your boyfriend makes you something good and doesn't call for pizza instead. :)
Happy Reading!
I decided to just go for it too! Good luck this weekend!
Lol you totally make me laugh! Good luck with the read-a-thon. I so want to join in but I don't have the time to dedicate to it. Hopefully next time I'll be able to play along.
I'm in awe! And quite happy to hear you might be reading Vampire Academy. I'm thinking of reading that series for part of a challenge, so hearing what you think of it would be most useful.
Oh, and I *loved* the comment you left at my blog about the whole komodo dragon thing. What I don't get is why people would *prefer* a truth that doesn't have magic in it. Bor-ing.
I want to read every book in your pile!
The Hunger Games and Catching Fire are in my read-a-thon pile as well!
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