Also, be sure to check back Monday when I'll be posting an interview with Peter Bognanni, author of the House of Tomorrow. I am SUPER psyched!

Author: Stacia Kane
What I Have to Say: I'm not going to review this book, as I didn't finish it, so I don't think that's fair. It is VERY unlike me to start a book and not finish it (I got through the God of Small Things, aka worst book ever - you would think I could get through anything) - I actually think this might be the first time I have ever done so. And the only reason I felt okay with putting it down and saying "I will not finish this now" is because it is the third in a series.
And the fact is - I was confused. Just a little bit, but confused nonetheless. Mostly, though, I just didn't care. This really seemed like one of those books that would just be better if you read the other two books first. Because then you would know and care about the characters as opposed to just thinking "meh, who cares." Which is sort of how I felt.
So, the plan is to acquire the other two books in the series, read them, and then come back to this one. Because I think I could enjoy it. And I can't just NEVER finish it. I started it after all.
It seems like it would be a fun, sometimes funny, sometimes intense, fast-paced read.
So, I am sorry that I can't give you a real review now, and I hope you'll check out the other reviews on this blog tour if you're interested.
Summary (from Amazon): Psychologist and psychic Megan Chase has grown remarkably comfortable hanging out with demons. The demon "family" she leads is happy, her solo practice is stabilizing, and she and her steamy demon lover, Greyson Dante, are closer than ever. But when the couple books a week at a luxury hotel to attend a meeting of demon leaders, some unanticipated problems appear. An FBI agent with an unhealthy interest in less-than-legitimate demon business practices shows up; the demon community is urging Megan to undergo the rite that will make her a real demon; and a slightly shady minister is holding one of his wildly popular "weekend exorcisms" just down the road. And oh, yes, someone with scary magical abilities is attempting to kill her. Then, just when it seems as if things couldn't possibly get any worse, a secret comes to light that could jeopardize Megan and Greyson's future -- if Megan manages to live that long. With things heating up, it's becoming difficult for her to keep a cool head...
Disclosure: This book was provided by Pocket Books for review.
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Book Junkie:
Cheryl’s Book Nook:
Steph the Bookworm:
The Bibliophilic Book Blog:
Patricia’s Vampire Notes:
Sexy Women Read:
I Heart Book Gossip:
Jeanne's Ramblings:
My Book Addiction and More:
Just Short of Crazy:
The Book Lush:
Brizmus Blogs Books:
Taking Time For Mommy:
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Books And Things:
The Wayfaring Writer:
Wendy’s Minding Spot:
Beguile Thy Sorrow:
You Wanna Know What I Think? :
Great non-review ! ;) Hehe.
I continue to value your honest reviews. Well done :)
B-thanks I am glad to know it is not just me-sometimes I think that I am not just in the mood for a book-that happened with Guernsey Literay Society-I was then given a copy from the publisher and felt obligated to try to read it again and adored it-not sure how I did not like it the first time. Things have calmed down-we still have lots to do in terms of getting it ready for appeal -it was quite emotional.
How is the packing going?
i had a hard time with god of small things too. i even tried twice. ack. maybe this stacia kane would be best to start with book one?
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