I'm in the process of moving out of my apartment, I have a flight booked for March 31, and I'm headed to Japan for a minimum of 9 months. My 3 year sejour in France is coming to and end. It's been wonderful, it's been lovely, but now I am SO excited for the next leg of my journey I call life. Japan! ::swoon::

I'll be attending school learning Japanese part-time, and my fingers are crossed that I will find a job when I get there. Because I am a broke person, and I am therefore mega going to need a job. I'm also going to take traditional Japanese dance classes, and it looks like I'm going to have to switch my martial arts preference, as the one I study now is Vietnamese.
I will be keeping up Brizmus Blogs Books, for sure without a doubt, but I'm guessing that the new circumstances in my life will cause SOME things to change. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what those things will be when the time comes.
Anyhow, that's it, that's all. Are you mega psyched for me?!?
Oh my gosh!!!! MOVING TO JAPAN?? I'm so happy for you! I have a friend who wants to live in Japan when she grows up, she'll be so jealous!
Goodbye France, hello Japan!
Have fun, hope you post pictures :D
That is so exciting! I'm kind of envious, because Japan sounds awesome. Congrats. :D
OMG CONGRATS!! I'm soooooooo happy for you! lol it's funny that you're moving to Japan when I'm gonna be heading to France for exchange in a couple months (provided that the uni accepts me, of course) But omg I hope you have fun. Where will you be staying? Tokyo? Kyoto? 8D
How exciting-I may just have to move into your apartment. All the best. I look forward to hearing about your adventure. I admire you for following your dreams and desires.
Wow! That's amazing! I'm in complete awe of you. I'm not comfortable moving into a different town, never mind country. I'm sure it'll be an amazing experience!
Oh wow, that's awesome!!! Have fun in Japan, and I hope you do find a job there so you aren't broke : )
Yay ! At last, the big move is confirmed ! I'm so happy for you, how exciting ! That's awesome, and you have so many exciting things planned !
Congrats!! I'm usre you'll have a blast in Japan! I'm so happy for you! Wish I could move somewhere abroad too! :)
How cool! Sounds like an awesome adventure awaits you :-)
I'm a bit jealous, haha. First France, and now Japan! Wow, you're so lucky to live in so many amazing places. I hope you love it in Japan :)
Wow, that sounds so exciting. Japan sounds like a really fascinating country, I'd love to go myself someday. I hope you'll post about about some of your experiences.
How awesome. Congrats and hope all goes well for you. I have always wanted to visit Japan but realize now that is not to be but I do wish you the best.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
I've only been there once before, but it is an incredibly fantastical place to be, congrats! I am incredibly jealous that you will be able to get manga for $5 there lol
have a safe trip!
Thrilling, amazing, beautiful, fun, hard the list could go on about how nifty this is! I wish you the best in Japan!
That's so cool! I hope you have fun in Japan, and hopefully find a great job :D
Wow! Congratulations. I wish you all the best in Japan!
I had no idea you were MOVING to Japan! I thought you were just visiting. I wish you all the luck and success that can be had! How exciting!
Welcome to my part of the world - well near enough!! Woooohoo! So psyched for you, you're going to have a blast. Hope all goes well and you have a smooth move.
Oh my goodness! Can I say how happy and jealous I am of you? To live in Japan! Oooh, you are going to have to promise me you will send me a Japanese book (in Japanese). I would love you forever (plus, I'll pay you). :) Keep us updated! What an thrilling adventure. I may have you do recon for me for one of my books, you know. If you are willing, that is.
Oh wow! That is beyond exciting! Have a wonderful time and hope oyu will be posting from there!
Totally mega psyched for you :)
Awesome! Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! (Advanced) Welcome to Asia. ;)
That is beyond super Cool. I have always want to go there and plan to one day!
Have a great adventure.... go for it and dont hold back! Live life!!
Congratulations! That is so wonderful that you get to move to Japan! Good luck with the language lessons!
Where are you from originally? I'm curious as to how you became a world traveler. :)
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