Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (22)

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

Basically, I pick a book I'm excited about that's coming out sometime soon.

This week, I am waiting (very impatiently) on

Abandon by Meg Cabot

*This picture was borrowed without permission from Meg Cabot's web site.*

Publisher: Scholastic, Inc.
Release Date: April 2011

Summary: hen Pierce first sees him, she thinks he is a murderer. She's right about one thing -- he does take lives. But not in the way she ever imagined. Pierce is drawn to the dark stranger even as she tries to uncover the mystery surrounding the tragic death of someone close to her. As she gets closer to the truth -- and the stranger -- unexpected secrets are revealed, even in her own heart.

It's Meg Cabot. I don't think I need any further justification for waiting with bated breath for the release of this book!


YA Book Queen said...

Ahhh!! So cannot wait for this one!! I love Meg Cabot's books =)

Anonymous said...

I've actually never read anything by Meg Cabot! *gasp* Maybe I need to start... :-)

Blodeuedd said...

Ohhhh he must be a reaper or something

Tales of Whimsy said...

Oooo cool cover!

♫♥✿Chas @ LovLivLife Reviews✿♥♫ said...

This one does sounds interesting!!!

Jenny N. said...

I love Meg Cabot and can't wait to know more about this one.

My Contests

None for now!