Friday, October 15, 2010

Nihon No Kinyoubi (14)

Nihon no Kinyoubi (Japanese Friday) is a weekly feature here at Brizmus Blogs Books inspired by French Friday, which is a weekly feature hosted by Charlotte at the Book on the Hill. Charlotte features French bookish things, and I plan on featuring Japanese bookish things, though I won't limit myself if I find something non-bookish that I think will interest you guys.

So, if you'll recall, last week I posted the number one book in literature for the week.

Well, I got some interesting comments on it. The first of which is that a better translation of the title would be "What if the female manager of the high school baseball team read 'Drucker's Management?'." And it totally is. I somehow had added a word to the end of the Japanese title that wasn't actually there, and now that it's gone, it makes so much more sense.

So there.

The other is that, apparently, someone has translated the first chapter, and the translation can be found HERE.

I would highly recommend going to check it out, as it is quite interesting, I find, so see what the Japanese are interested in right now, especially as it's so different from what the English speaking part of the world seems to be interested in.

And that's it for this week.



Tales of Whimsy said...

Cool :)

Tales of Whimsy said...

I love Reece's moments too :)

Simcha said...

That cover seems so incongruous with the content of the book. It look it should be a comic book instead. Are you planning on reading this book?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Simcha...I was surprised to read the first chapter as at first glance it seems like a comic book!

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