Author: Lori Copeland

Who Should Read It? Lovers of Christmas story, young and old!
What I Have to Say: The Christmas Lamp is an adorable story of love and tradition. Love when you least expect it and creating new traditions when the old ones are lost. It is a great reminder of just how priceless and important tradition really is.
Nativity, Missouri is a small, dying town, jus trying to stay alive. For them, all of their Christmas traditions, right down to the Christmas tree in the middle of the intersection that gets run over at least three times a year, are more important than anything else. WHen a new consultant comes along to try to help the town with their financial woes, and he says they have to cut back on their Christmas expenditures or else they won't survive, the town is forced to come together and remember what Christmas is really all about.
While the Christmas Lamp is extremely predictable - I had pretty much the whole story figured out from page 1 - it's also an exciting journey of predictability. I was happy to be along for the ride.
I think Roni and Jake, the protagonists, have quite a bit more in common than they think, and reading about them together as they realize they are falling in love left me with a huge smile on my face. Nativity itself seems like the cutest small town - the kind of place I would love to live when I retire - It's filled with kind, happy, generous people.
As Copeland tells her story, the reader can't help but be filled with a beautiful sense of Christmas joy, love, and cheer. She reminds us of the true spirit of Christmas without being preachy or talking overtly about God, which I find to be an amazing feat.
I also loved the way she incorporated the Lamp from "A Christmas Story." It made me feel even more connected to the book.
All in all, this is the kind of book I want to be reading at Christmas time.
Summary (from Amazon): Nativity, Missouri, is in trouble.-
-When the small town is bypassed by the newly constructed highway, it loses its much-needed holiday traffic-threatening not only the town-s financial survival, but its very heart and soul.
-Outside consultant Jake Brisco threatens everything the community loves about Christmas with his budget-slashing solutions.- Nothing is sacred-not even the traditional town Christmas tree. Long-time resident Roni Elliot knows some sacrifices have to be made, but can-t let go of the customs and traditions that have marked her holidays since childhood.- The decorations and customary activities have always generated vitality and joy throughout the whole season in Nativity.-
-Though their priorities and methods clash, Roni and Jake want the same thing-prosperity for the town.- As the two get to know each other and become close, each begins to gain a new perspective on what the real wealth of Nativity-and the season-might be.-
-The Christmas Lamp takes an honest look into the issues and concerns we all face and sheds light on the real origins of Christmas spirit.
Final Question: What is your favorite excess at Christmas time? Do you like the decorations or the presents or the songs or Christmas trees or whatever else? Personally, I can't get over CHristmas lights. I just love them SO much!
This sounds so sweet! The cover makes me feel cozy and warm. Great holiday pick!
I love all the decorations - tree, lights, ornaments, all of it! And I also love the Christmas cookies and the fun of baking them too!
When I lived in OK..The one good thing I got out of it was the sleigh ride through the park with the Christmas lights and lake. It was amazing. SO many lights
Thanks for sharing the review-christmas lamp by lori copeland. It was nice going through it. I will order my copy today.
Clever: I'm jealous. That sounds marvelous.
Briz: Great review. I totally want this one.
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