French Friday is a weekly feature hosted by Charlotte at the Book on the Hill. We both live in France, so it's where we write about Frenchy bookish things.
So, I had several ideas this week for what my French Friday could be, but for osme reason NONE of them are coming to mind now that I am actually sitting in front of the computer to write the post. I had really wanted to do something Christmasy, but now nothing is coming to mind. :-( Sorry!
In the end, I have no sat so long at the computer thinking of what to do that I no longer have any time, so this will be short!
I've decided to show you guys the French covers of the Night World series by L.J. Smith. I find them absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

1)Night World 1: Le secret du vampire - Nightworld 1: the Secret of the Vampire
2)Night World 2: Les soeurs des tenebres -Nightworld 2: the Sisters of Darkness
And now the American covers:

The third book's not out in France yet (at least I don't think it is), and I can't find a copy of that cover, so I won't show you the American one, either. I don't know about you guys, but I TOTALLY prefer the French covers. How oh so very rare!
I haven't read them yet, but I'm participating in the 2010 Night World Challence, so I'm looking forward to reading them very soon!
Bonnes fetes, tout le monde!!!!
And don't forget to check out Charlotte's post at the Book on the Hill!!
Hey, it seems like your tastes in French covers are evolving... Me too ! :)
But for this one, I actually prefer the US ones...
Pretty cool covers, but I think I like the US covers better.
I love the French language. And i sorta like their covers! :P
Ooh the French covers are beauiful.
I'm with Becky I like the French ones :)
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