Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (17)

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

Basically, I pick a book I'm excited about that's coming out sometime soon.

This week's pick is

Sweet Valley Confidential: Ten Years Later by Francine Pascal

I can't wait for the cover to be released! You can bet I'll be posting it immediately! :-)

Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Publishing Date: March 29, 2011

Sweet Valley High, Sweet Valley Twins, Sweet Valley Kids, Sweet Valley University, and the Unicorn Club were all some of my favorite book series growing up. Seriously - I ADORED Jessica and Elizabeth! So when I heard about Sweet Valley Confidential, I might have just screamed for joy! I am SO excited, and I don't know if I can wait until March.

If you also found yourself screaming for joy, be sure to check out the web page, where you can be kept up to date on how it's coming along and sign up for a free sneak preview of the first chapter!


Simcha said...

I think it's so funny that Sweet Valley is making a come back. I remember sneaking the Sweet Valley High books into my house under my shirt, when I was 12, because my mother wouldn't let me read them. Though she did encourage my addiction to the Sweet Valley Twins because they got me reading regularly. They were what showed me how much fun reading can be.

Anonymous said...

Haha Sweet Valley that's a blast from the past ;-)

Tales of Whimsy said...

*high five* Me too gf! I use to LOVE those books.

Josette said...

Hey, this one sounds good! Will it like explore the twins' lives when they're 30 or something??

My Contests

None for now!