Author: Meljean Brook

Who Should Read It? A great book for all lovers of steampunk romance!
What I Have to Say:
Burning Up is a book consisting of 4 short paranormal romances, but since they are all so different, I have decided to review each one separately. And since the first one I read was the last one in the book, I'll start at the end, with "Here There Be Monsters" by Meljean Brook.
I am ashamed to say that this is actually the first steampunk romance I have ever read (unless you count Soulless by Gail Carriger), and I'm really wondering what was stopping me before. I'm always afraid when I hear romance, but with Here There Be Monsters, I had nothing to worry about. It was a great blend of steam techonology, patience, and love. It starts off when Ivy Blacksmith tries to escape London and finds herself indebted to Mad Machen, known to be one of the craziest pirates on the seas.
Brook managed to pack quite a lot into this 100 page little short story, and that in itself was impressive. I absolutely loved the way that this story played out, and Brook's use of Ivy's talent as a blacksmith to incorporate all sorts of "new" technology was brilliant. I couldn't decide if I felt more like I was reading historical fiction or science fiction, but in the end it didn't matter. It was all in all just a satisfying read, and that's all there is to it.
For a book that I went into unsure about, I'm surprised by how excited I am for the October 2010 release of the Iron Duke, to which this story was a prequel. I will definitely be looking for more Meljean Brook in the future!
Summary: Meljean Brook launches a bold new steampunk series with Here There Be Monsters, as a desperate woman strikes a provocative—and terrifying—bargain to gain overseas passage.
Cover Story: The title of this book and the cover both kind of turn me off, and it's a good thing the summaries were what they were or I might never have picked it up. The cover's sexy, for sure, but I don't normally go in for "hunk" books.
I received this book as a part of vvb32 Reads Iron Seas Challenge! I've boarded the ship (and luckily not gotten sick), and I'm hoping to manage to stay on the whole way through! Wish me luck!
Sure hunks are hot, but not my fav of covers. But I am so glad to hear the story is good
LOVED this story. And I know what you mean about being wary of some romance...especially with that cover. It just seems so 'done.' But thankfully the Iron Seas world rocks, and I can't wait for the next book. Nice review!
This is steampunk? I had no idea. Great review :)
You're not the only one who hasn't started steampunk romance...or steampunk in general for that matter lol. I'm a bit behind the bandwagon but I have plenty on my TBR list including this one.
I'm glad you enjoyed it =)
I LOVE this title to no end!! Here There Be Monsters is my first ever Steampunk Romance and like you WTH was I waiting for!
The storyline is brilliant and captivating. I can not wait for The Iron Duke!!
Here is my review:
so glad you liked this one despite the hunky cover ;-D
and, soulless definitely counts as steampunk.
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