Friday, November 26, 2010

Nihon No Kinyoubi (16)

Nihon no Kinyoubi (Japanese Friday) is a weekly (or at least I try to make it weekly, though mostly I fail) feature here at Brizmus Blogs Books inspired by French Friday, which is a weekly feature hosted by Charlotte at the Book on the Hill. Charlotte features French bookish things, and I plan on featuring Japanese bookish things, though I won't limit myself if I find something non-bookish that I think will interest you guys.

So, the Japanese have a thing for watching leaves fall off of trees. Or rather, for just looking at things in trees. In the spring, you have お花見(ohanami), which is when they sit and picnic under the most beautiful cherry blossom trees. Frankly, they are AMAZING!

And in the fall, they have こうよう(kouyou) or もみじ(momiji), which is when they go and look at the changing of the colors of leaves. And frankly, it is beautiful! I went last weekend to a place that is known for its beauty this time of year, and I thought I'd share a picture or two with you guys.

It was really really amazingly beautiful, and if you're interested in seeing more pictures or hearing more about it, I'll be writing in more detail soon in my personal blog, Brizmus Around the World, so be sure to check it out!

Happy Japanese Friday!


Tales of Whimsy said...

Wow. How beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.

Nina said...

Really beautiful!

Sara said...

Beautiful pictures! =)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Wow! Those colours are amazing.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing texture of colours. I don't think I've ever seen such a display.

have you managed to pop over and look at ch 1 of my YA novel Lethal Inheritance yet?

Jenny N. said...

Beautiful view! Makes me want to visit Japan again.

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