Basically, I pick a book I'm excited about that's coming out sometime soon.
This week, I'm waiting on the follow up to a book that I absolutely ADORED, "Water for Elephants."

Ape House by Sara Gruen
Publisher: Spiegel and Grau
Release Date: September 7, 2010
Summary:Sara Gruen’s Water for Elephants has become one of the most beloved and bestselling novels of our time. Now Gruen has moved from a circus elephant to family of bonobo apes, whose kidnapping from a language laboratory and mysterious appearance on a reality TV show calls into question our assumptions about the relation between apes and humans, and humans’ relationships to each other.
A devoted animal lover, Gruen has had a life-long fascination with human-ape discourse, and a particular interest in bonobo apes, who share 99.4% of our DNA. She has studied linguistics and a system of lexigrams in order to communicate with them, and is one of the few visitors who have been allowed access to the apes at the Great Ape Trust in Des Moines, Iowa, where the apes have come to love her. In bringing her experience and research to bear on this novel, she opens the animal world to us as few novelists have done. Ape House is a riveting, funny, compassionate and, finally, deeply moving new novel that secures Sara Gruen’s place as a master storyteller who allows us to see ourselves as we never have before.
I actually haven't read the summary, as I know I'm going to read it no matter what, so I'm totally okay with going into it completely blind. I've really been meaning to read some of the other books she wrote as well. I should get on that.
Here's to hoping she can do it again, that it wasn't just a fluke! :-)
What are you waiting on this week?
I am itching to try this too :)
Here is my WOW
Great pick! I haven't heard much about this one, but I will have to check it out.
So can't wait for Ape House!
I'm very disappointed after reading Ape House. :(
I hope you enjoy it, though!
I cannot wait to read this I loved Water for Elephants.
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