Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Review: the Shape Changer's Wife by Sharon Shinn

Title: the Shape Changer's Wife

Author: Sharon Shinn


Who Should Read It? Fans of fantasy and fairy tales will, without a doubt, want to give this book a try!

What I Have to Say:
If you're a fan of cute fantasy, the Shape Changer's Wife will, without a doubt, have you hooked from page one. It's well-written and beautifully developed, with a story that will bring tears to your eyes (well, it certainly brought tears to my eyes).

Aubrey, a young magician, finds himself the apprentice of Glyrenden, a hated, shape-changing magician. Living in the house of Glyrenden brings along some awkward, strange characters in the shape-changer's wife, Lillith, the house-keeper who doesn't seem to know how to keep house, Arachne, and the oversized brute of a man, Orion. What ensues is a beautiful story of magic, love, romance, and hope.

My absolute favorite thing about this book is the character development - we don't just learn more about the characters - there becomes more about the characters to learn, as they grow and develop with the help of their surroundings. The effect that Aubrey has on Lillith still has my heart pounding at the beauty.

The Shape-Changer's Wife is a short, sweet story with a fairy-tale feel that will tear at your heart strings and possibly give you hope for the world. And, like a true story-teller, Shinn leaves the end open for interpretation. Love this booK!

Summary: From the national bestselling author of The Samaria Trilogy...this is the novel that launched Sharon Shinn's career and inspired Peter S. Beagle to call her "the most original writer of fantasy since Robin McKinley."

Aubrey was a student of the fine art of wizardry. But the more knowledge he acquired, the more he wanted to learn. He traveled in search of the greatest master of all, the gifted shape-changer Glyrenden. From him, Aubrey expected to discover the secret of long-lost spells and the mysteries of arcane magic.

But there was one discovery he never expected, a mystery he risked every thing to solve. Her name was Lilith...

Cover Story: While I don't love this cover, I do find it extraordinarily intriguing. It piques my curiosity, the way the woman's head is so beautiful yet ordinary. The way she is so hidden.

This book was sent to me as a Secret Santa present by Simcha from SFF Chat! Thanks, Simcha! This was my first Sharon Shinn, and I LOVED it!


Simcha said...

I'm really glad that you enjoyed it. I've read several books by Sharon Shinn so far and this one is my favorite of them. I hope you enjoy the rest of the books I sent you just as much.

Blodeuedd said...

I have this on my wishlist, I really like the sound of it :)

Anonymous said...

I like books that give hope for the world and I'm always on the look out for them, so this is on my TBR list now. Thanks for the review.

Heather G. said...

I like cute fantasy! Thanks for the suggestion.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I haven't heard of this one before, but it sounds good. Great review! :)

Nina said...

I do like fantasty and I like the sound of this. The cover makes me want to read it. ;)

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

I do hope you are ok..I am not sure what part of Japan you are staying

Simcha said...

Just wanted to check up on you and see if you are OK.

Anonymous said...

Not sure where you're based in Japan - please keep safe!

Author Kelly Moran said...

Hope you are safe where you are.

great post.

I woke up Sunday a.m. to find my blog, my 500 plus followers, my 100plus author interviews, and my 200 plus reviews gone. Blogger gave no explanation, but I think the account was hacked. Change your password often!

I have reloaded the interviews and reviews, plus redesigned the blog. But if you could, please hit the "follow" button so I can reclaim the fellow bloggers I miss. I'm still following you, as my account remained--thank goodness!

Thank you!
Kelly Moran

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